

Consumer patriotism - is the engine of progress in domestic pharmaceuticals, ensuring national drug safety

On February 23, at the site of the Single Distributor "SK-Pharmacy", a Memorandum was signed with associations for the support and development of pharmaceutical and medical activities as part of the launch of the "Made in PharmaKZ" project.

The head of state has repeatedly noted the importance of supporting and developing domestic producers. “We need to expand the scope and range of off-take contracts with domestic producers. The share of medicines and medical products of domestic production must be increased from the existing 17% to 50% as early as 2025,” the President said.

In pursuance of this instruction, it was decided to launch the Made in PharmaKZ project to support and popularize domestic medicines, medical devices and medical equipment.

For Kazakhstan, as for any country, the medical and pharmaceutical industry is a strategically important component of national security. Issues of development of domestic producers and entrepreneurial initiative are one of the main priorities of the Single Distributor.

The Made in PharmaKZ project is relevant due to the growing public interest in medical and pharmaceutical topics. The initiative is aimed at increasing public confidence in Kazakh medical and pharmaceutical products and maintaining a positive public opinion.

The Memorandum was signed between the Single Distributor "SK-Pharmacy" and industry associations: ALE "Association of Manufacturers of Pharmaceutical and Medical Products of Kazakhstan" PharmMedIndustry of Kazakhstan", ALE "Association for Support and Development of Pharmaceutical Activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan", ALE "Union of Domestic Manufacturers of Medical Devices, Medical products of "Medindustry of Kazakhstan" and the ALE "Association of Manufacturers of Medical Devices".

Cooperation with industry associations involves the promotion of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment of domestic production, as well as the formation of consumer patriotism among Kazakhstanis.

The above goals are planned to be achieved through a number of comprehensive measures, monitoring their implementation, interaction with government agencies and other organizations, as well as the exchange of information and experience.

The project includes the following areas:

-  conducting press tours to domestic production sites;

-  creation of a series of telecasts with rotation on state and local TV channels about the domestic medical and pharmaceutical industry;

-  implementation of a series of brand publications with Kazakhstani manufacturers, dedicated to comprehensive coverage of the activities and innovations of the domestic pharmaceutical industry;

-  creation in pharmacy chains of separate counters with domestic medicines under the logo "MADE IN PHARMAKZ".

The obvious effect of the implementation of the above proposals will be: increasing the awareness of citizens about existing domestic developments and pharmaceutical production, the growth of a loyal audience for domestic pharmaceutical products, which, among other things, will have a positive impact on achieving a 50% share of OTP in the market of Kazakhstan by 2025.

  “Taking into account the interests of domestic manufacturers, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of evidence-based medicine, the effectiveness and safety of medicines, first of all, respecting the interests of the citizens of Kazakhstan. A single distributor prioritizes the quality and safety of medicines that it provides to Kazakhstani medical institutions by increasing the requirements for suppliers, including using such feedback tools as “yellow cards,” said Erkhat Iskaliyev, head of SK-Pharmacy.

The practice of "yellow cards" is primarily for safety and quality control. At present, the Ministry of Health, at the initiative of the Single Distributor, is developing a new algorithm for filling in message cards for assessing adverse events by integrating the information system of the National Health Center and the Medical Information System.

The meeting participants also discussed the best practices of the leading countries in the pharmaceutical industry, including Turkey. Turkey almost 100% satisfies the internal needs of the state and supplies medicines for export. It is attentive to modern pharmaceuticals, follows global trends and cooperates with foreign partners. Today, the number of Turkish drug companies exceeds 100.

It should be noted that in the pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan there are more than 30 enterprises that comply with the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standard, which confirms the effectiveness, safety and quality of products.

Pharmaceutical companies of Kazakhstan produce injection and infusion solutions, antibiotics and antiseptics, oral medicines, syrups, creams and gels, hypoglycemic, anti-tuberculosis, gastroenterological, hepatoprotective, antihistamine, anticonvulsant drugs, drugs for the treatment of HIV infections, diabetes mellitus, heart attack, stroke, multiple sclerosis and other rare diseases, oncological drugs, disposable medical products, professional consumables, disposable clothing and underwear for medical personnel, as well as polyvalent and immuno-vitamin preparations, mono-herbs and medicinal herbal teas.

The measure of support in the pharmaceutical industry by the Single Distributor is provided in the form of long-term contracts. Currently, there are 100 long-term contracts concluded with 36 domestic producers for the supply of 4,672 medicines.

Thus, manufacturers of medicines and medical devices in Kazakhstan have the opportunity to launch new or modernize existing production thanks to a guaranteed ten-year state order for medical pharmaceutical products.

“We strongly support the initiative to promote and develop the domestic pharmaceutical sector. We are confident that the project will give a new impetus to the development of Kazakhstani manufacturers who are actively implementing world practices through cooperation with global vendors from among BIGPHARMA,” representatives of industry associations noted.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their readiness for close cooperation, which will result in increased consumer patriotism among Kazakhstanis, the formation of a positive image of domestic manufacturers, an increase in the level of public confidence in Kazakhstani medicines, as well as the development of the country's pharmaceutical sector as a whole.

Consumer patriotism is the engine of progress in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, which ensures national drug safety. By consuming and supporting local products, Kazakhstanis contribute to the development of their production and the country's economy as a whole.

Source: Press service of SK-Pharmacy LLP"
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