


As is known, the social and economic development of any country is interconnected with the quality of health of the population. It’s not just that new treatment methods are being introduced in the health care sector, innovative drugs are being created, national programs are being developed to popularize a healthy lifestyle, and more.

 We should not forget that the policy of drug supply is not the least important in this issue.

 That is why the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Unified Distributor SK-Pharmaceuticals LLP pays special attention to the development and improvement of a system of high-quality and timely drug supply.

 However, not all citizens know that a significant number of medications are provided at the expense of the state.

For example, when calling an ambulance, to alleviate the patient’s condition, medicines free of charge for the population are used. The state also guarantees free medicines during operations or in intensive care. Patients with chonic diseases were not left without attention.

 Today, free medical care is provided for Kazakhstanis at two levels: inpatient - drug treatment in hospitals; outpatient – receiving prescription medications in clinics.

 These free medications are purchased by SK-Pharmaceuticals for our patients. The purchase is carried out within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care (GVFMC) and the compulsory social health insurance system (CSHIS).

 It should be noted that many people mistakenly assume that the Unified Distributor also purchases medicines for private pharmacies, which is not and cannot be the case.

 Let us dwell separately on the procurement principles on which questions most often arise from the population.

 When carrying out a purchase, the Unified Distributor is guided by the procurement rules and the approved list of medicines. The rules and list are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 SK-Pharmaceuticals makes purchases based on received applications from medical organizations. This means that medical organizations themselves keep records of patients and independently determine their needs based on the names of medications, volumes, dosages, release forms and delivery schedule. All purchases since 2018 are carried out in electronic format on the platform of the Center for Electronic Finance -

 Today, the Unified Distributor is reviewing the mechanisms for the purchase and delivery of medicines and medical products.

 Firstly, the Unified Distributor purchased a new information system that automates the planning and distribution of goods taking into account expiration dates, which in turn will reduce the number of drugs written off.

 Also, the activities of the Unified Distributor will be aimed at increasing the conclusion of direct contracts with manufacturers, which will contribute to lower prices for medicines due to the absence of intermediaries.

 In addition, an action plan has been developed to reimburse logistics payments, which involves revising the pricing methodology for storage and transportation of medicines and medical products.

 In the future, it is planned to build our own warehouses for storing medicines and medical products, which in turn will ensure an uninterrupted supply of drugs, taking into account emergency situations and other circumstances.

 All of the above measures are focused on the interests of patients and the improvement of drug policy.

 Let us remind you that if you have any questions when receiving free medications, we are always happy to advise you by calling our toll-free number – 1439.



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