

On June 27, an online meeting was held for employees of the Single Distributor of SK-Pharmacy LLP to explain innovations in the field of combating corruption.

At the beginning of the year, the Head of State signed the Law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption and Ensuring the Security of Persons Subject to State Protection”, which amends the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Law “On Combating Corruption”.

   The main goal of the amendments is to improve legislation and form an effective anti-corruption system by introducing new corruption prevention tools based on advanced international standards.

The Compliance Officer of the Partnership informed the company's team in more detail about the novelties in anti-corruption legislation, the disposition of each article, the procedure for detection and penalties, and also gave real-life examples of committed corruption offenses.

One of the important aspects of the changes was the guaranteed protection of whistleblowers, which is the foundation of an effective fight against corruption.

Now, from the moment of reporting a corruption fact, protection of legitimate interests in the field of labor relations and confidentiality of information is ensured for three years.

In accordance with the current legislation, disclosure of information about the applicant is punishable by a fine of up to 3,000 MCI, or by corrective labor in the same amount, or by community service for up to 800 hours, or by restraint of liberty for up to three years, or by imprisonment for that same term.

The team of the Single Distributor, in turn, having asked questions of interest, noted the efficiency of new mechanisms for combating corruption in the company's activities.

A single distributor, adhering to the principle of openness and transparency, pays special attention to the prevention of corruption. A set of all modern and necessary measures is provided for the timely prevention of corruption and improving the legal literacy of employees. The Company takes effective measures to prevent corruption, form an anti-corruption worldview and raise legal awareness, which can significantly reduce corruption risks.

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