

One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Single Distributor is to organize work in such a way that the medical supply system can quickly and clearly respond to changes in demand, be flexible in any emergency and focus primarily on the needs of patients.

The top priority is a hearing healthcare system and a patient-centered approach. The key tool in this direction is feedback from stakeholders, that is, interested parties.

Stakeholder ( stakeholder), also an interested party, involved party, participant in the work, role in the project - a person or organization that has rights, share, requirements or interests regarding the system or its properties that meet their needs and expectations.

Stakeholders include individuals who:

  • actively involved in the project - the manager, employees, investors, contractors, partners;
  • will use the results of the project (whose interests are affected by the project) - clients, buyers, business partners, heads of departments;
  • not involved in the project, but able to influence it - the founders, shareholders, regulatory government agencies, the media.

The possibility of managing stakeholders was thought about in the second half of the 20th century. The prevailing theory at that time said that any company is not only a tool for making a profit. It is also a part of the environment within which it exists, and a system that affects the environment and is influenced by it. The classic version of the “stakeholder theory” became known in the 80s at the suggestion of business administration professor R.E. Freeman, who outlined his vision in the book "Strategic Management: The Concept of Stakeholders". It was Freeman who introduced the concept of "stakeholder" and proposed a model for applying the theory.

The idea of "stakeholder management theory" is based on the fact that an organization or project, together with its external and internal environment, forms a combination of stakeholders. Managers of the company should consider the interests of these parties as much as possible and satisfy their requirements. The company should strive to create value for all stakeholders, and not just to increase capitalization and increase profits.

Interaction with stakeholders is an integral part of the sustainable development of the Single Distributor, improving the efficiency of business processes, making management decisions, and is a daily practice within the current operating activities of the company.

In order to increase the level of public awareness of the mechanisms for providing medicines within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care and in the compulsory medical insurance system and the competitiveness of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, the Single Distributor has been actively working with stakeholders since 2019. Thus, the target audience is constantly studied, information and explanatory campaigns are carried out to form public opinion, transparency and openness of processes.

There is a special methodology for determining the level of satisfaction of all stakeholders of the Single Distributor, approved by the Supervisory Board. In this way, strengths and weaknesses in stakeholder relationships are identified and areas of priority action are identified.

According to the methodology, only satisfied stakeholders who remain committed to the organization can ensure its confident position in the market.

Also, in order to improve interaction with the public, a public working group has been created, where the most pressing issues of drug provision are openly discussed. It is composed of representatives of civil society, the business community, deputies and industry experts. All issues raised are entered in the "Book of Problematic Issues".

Along with this, meetings are systematically held with patient organizations and medical associations on various groups of diseases and topical issues of medical provision. All proposals and appeals voiced during the meeting are entered into the "Register of Issues".

Competent stakeholder management helps to successfully implement the project, contributes to the growth and development of business in the future.


Any stakeholder analysis begins with the identification of all project stakeholders. In the activities of the Single Distributor, external and internal stakeholders are considered. The main external stakeholders are the population, patient, medical, financial organizations, government officials and partners. And internal, as the name itself says, includes the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and all personnel.

To assess interaction with stakeholders and maintain their commitment, the Single Distributor annually conducts a survey, on the basis of which data is analyzed. This is an effective tool for identifying effective measures to maintain communication with stakeholders, improve the management system and improve the quality of services in the uninterrupted supply of medicines.

According to the results of the self-assessment of the Single Distributor for 2022, the average age of a Kazakhstani patient was 50 years. More than half of them are female. The average level of respondents' satisfaction is 88%. In the structure of regions, the highest rating falls on the Kostanay region and Astana, the lowest - on the Zhetisu region.

As a result of the survey among patient organizations, overall satisfaction reached 71%. On the part of patient organizations, the quick response of the heads of departments to outgoing questions and professionalism were noted. At the same time, there is a need to eliminate interruptions in supply.

A fairly satisfactory assessment of the work of the Single Distributor is also observed from the side of medical organizations - 94%, as well as medicine suppliers - 89%, which is slightly higher than expected results. Among the positive aspects of the Single Distributor are: the speed of achieving the goal, active involvement in the indicated problem and transparency of work. The list of areas that need to be improved in the organization included the purchase of an additional volume of medicines and the introduction of work on the principle of "one stop shop".

Another important stakeholder in the activity of the Single Distributor is the partners with whom cooperation is carried out in a variety of priority areas. The overall satisfaction with cooperation with the Single Distributor is 85%. The strong qualities of the company's partners include efficiency, competence, sociability and organization. And it is worth taking under special control the decision-making to provide patients with organ transplants in an accelerated time frame.

The next key component in the activities of any company is the team itself. Under the organization of effective interaction with personnel, one can understand many different points: from the formation of business processes to issues of effective communication. The average level of satisfaction of the staff of the Single Distributor is 87%.

It should be noted that in recent years there has been a general positive trend in the satisfaction of all stakeholders of the Single Distributor. So, if the overall satisfaction of stakeholders in 2020 reached 78%, then by the end of 2022 this figure increased to 82%.

According to open sources, it is known that the theory of stakeholder management was first detailed by Edward Freeman in the book "StrategicManagement: A Stakeholder Approach". The author believed that understanding and identifying groups of people who can influence a business or a separate project make it possible to clearly structure and optimize the management process.

Thus, stakeholder analysis allows you to determine the interests of all stakeholders that can affect the solution of potential difficulties, the success of the company's projects and building the right communications. Without measurements of stakeholder satisfaction, it is difficult for the management of the Single Distributor to make decisions about what needs to be improved in the company's activities and relations with stakeholders in order to maintain loyalty.


For a constructive dialogue with the public and informing individuals on drug provision issues, the Single Distributor has such feedback channels as the official website, pages on Facebook and Instagram social networks and the Blog of the Chairman of the Board. Also, chats in the WhatsApp messenger with the participation of patients, public figures and the media have proven their effectiveness, allowing you to respond to incoming requests even faster.

All incoming requests from the media and the public are processed according to the “golden hour” principle, which allows us to quickly interact and refute negative information. It is worth noting that the increase in attendance of all resources and the transparency of the company's activities is facilitated by a systematic update of the corporate website and formats in social networks.

In addition, there is a unified Contact Center for drug provision within the framework of the State Compulsory Commissariat of Compulsory Health Care and in the OSMS system by free short number 1439, which is available for both landline and mobile phones.

One of the important functions of the Contact Center of the Single Distributor is feedback from the population and control over the receipt of free medicines and medical devices by patients. Information on medicines is provided in "real time" mode and is as reliable as possible. In total, in 2022, almost 32 thousand calls from the population were received by operators.

A single distributor is interested in forming constructive interaction with all interested parties and intends to continue to adhere to the principle of openness. The Single Distributor is convinced that the active participation of all stakeholders in solving common problems is a fundamental condition for successful development in the 21st century.

Contact center
Free of charge for all numbers
Public control
Acting Chairman's blog
Photo gallery
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