

On August 16, the 9th World Turkic Medical Congress kicked off in the historical city of Uzbekistan - Samarkand, where the meeting of the Ministers of Health of the countries of the Organization of Turkic States is taking place.

The list of honorary participants included representatives of the diplomatic corps, rectors and professors of leading higher medical educational institutions, heads of prestigious medical clinics, research institutes, specialized medical centers, large pharmaceutical and medical companies and scientists from around the world.

Among the participating countries there is also a delegation of Kazakhstan consisting of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Azhar Giniyat, Chairman of the Board of SK-Pharmacy LLP Erkhat Iskaliyev, Director of the Department of Organization of Medical Assistance Gulnara Sarsenbayeva and Chairman of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Control Committee Nurlan Iskakov.

The purpose of the congress is to ensure the well-being and health of the population of the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States, to study the unique heritage, rich experience and historical traditions of medicine of the Turkic peoples, to create a solid platform in the interests of all member states of the organization, as well as to apply and popularize the achievements of modern innovative medicine.

During the large-scale event, the parties discussed cooperation in the field of healthcare, issues on the implementation of joint projects and increasing the existing potential of the participating countries in the development of medical sciences.

At the opening ceremony, representatives of the fraternal states emphasized that the creation of the Common Medical Scientific Space of the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States, joint scientific research, the definition of uniform standards of medical education, and the provision of continuous medical education can be considered the first stage of joint activities.


In particular, the pandemic has clearly shown that for each country the strategic task is to fully satisfy its needs for pharmaceutical products and medical equipment. In this regard, the consideration of the possibilities of joint production of medicines and medical equipment within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States is highly appreciated.

During the congress, the delegation of Kazakhstan, headed by Minister of Health Azhar Giniyat, actively participated in the meeting of ministers of the Organization of Turkic States and the signing of the final declaration "Tribute to the history of medicine, common heritage", as well as bilateral meetings of ministers of health.

The adoption of the declaration will allow countries to develop constructive approaches to improve medical care for the population of the Turkic states, including oncological care, pharmacy, training and advanced training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel, digitalization in healthcare, and much more.

It is worth noting that the Uzbekistan-Turkey Health Forum was held at the same venue, where the Kazakh delegation was also present. The head of state in his Address noted the need for cooperation with global pharmaceutical corporations, attracting investors, ensuring the transfer of technologies and the latest developments.

In recent years, among the Turkic countries, there has been a steady growth in the potential of the pharmaceutical industry - new pharmaceutical production is being created. In addition, the modernization of existing production facilities is being actively carried out.

In turn, Erkhat Iskaliyev informed the participants about the centralized procurement system in Kazakhstan and the role of the Single Distributor in the drug supply system. Investment opportunities were announced in the field of pharmaceuticals, as well as cooperation initiatives with companies producing original drugs, raw materials for the production of medicines and medical devices.

Measures were announced to support domestic producers and attract BigPharma, which involve active cooperation in supporting and developing the domestic production of medicines, providing quality medical care through the implementation of projects for continuing medical education, building up scientific and research potentials, and ensuring earlier access to innovative methods. therapy.

The purchase and production of medical equipment, which are a key component in creating favorable conditions for equipping medical institutions with modern diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic equipment, did not go unnoticed.

In conclusion, the Single Distributor noted the great potential for economic cooperation between countries on the exchange of experience in the centralized procurement of medical equipment, medical information systems and voiced the possibility of increasing bilateral cooperation. The parties expressed their gratitude for the organization of the event and readiness for fruitful cooperation in the future.

Summing up the results of the working trip, an agreement was reached on strengthening the mutually beneficial partnership of the states of the Turkic world, and the initiative proposal of Kazakhstan regarding holding the Days of Kazakh Medicine in the states of the Organization of Turkic States was supported.

In general, the Kazakh side expressed gratitude for the creation of a unique dialogue platform with the participation of fraternal states, which has become a powerful tool for finding solutions to various problems facing the pharmaceutical industry of the countries of the Organization of Turkic States. In addition, the medical congress will give impetus to attracting foreign investment, introducing best practices in the development of pharmaceutical production and adopting the experience of neighboring countries.


The Organization of Turkic States is an international organization established in 2009 and uniting modern states for the purpose of comprehensive cooperation between the Turkic peoples.

The Preamble of the Nakhichevan Agreement confirms the will of the Member States to adhere to the goals and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and defines the main goal of the Turkic Council as further deepening of comprehensive cooperation between the Turkic-speaking states, as well as making a joint contribution to ensuring peace and stability in the region and in everything world.

To date, the members of the UTC are Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and among the observers - Hungary, Turkmenistan and Northern Cyprus. Member States reaffirmed their commitment to democratic values, human rights, the rule of law and the principles of good governance.


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