

Today in Astana, the Congress of Therapists of Kazakhstan “Quality and Safety of Drug Therapy: World Trends and Standards” started in Astana with the support of the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the RPO “Professional Association of Clinical Pharmacologists and Pharmacists” in a hybrid (offline and online) format.

Participants in the Congress included therapeutic specialists, representatives of government agencies and WHO, leading domestic and foreign experts in the medical pharmaceutical industry, including the head of the Single Distributor Erkhat Iskaliev.

The goal is to combine scientific achievements, clinical experience and knowledge of the medical community, to share current practical experience of therapeutic services using the latest scientific and clinical achievements of drug therapy and the risks associated with it.

The format of the event provides a dialogue platform for expert discussion of issues of safe pharmacotherapy, including the problem of incorrect prescription and use of drugs, and polypharmacy.

First of all, the plenary session “Personalized and preventive drug therapy based on the synthesis of evidence-based medicine and clinical practice” was held, where reports were presented by leading domestic and foreign experts on current issues of modern drug therapy. The speakers presented their expert opinion, shared their experience and knowledge in the field of drug therapy of internal diseases.

Participants discussed the safety of drug therapy and ways to improve it, the principles of safe use of drugs, modern paradigms of drug therapy in respiratory medicine, multimorbidity and the risks of polypharmacy, aspects of the safety of drug therapy in the treatment of comorbid patients with autoimmune diseases and a number of other pressing issues.

The issue of rational use of antibacterial drugs was actively discussed in connection with the growing problem of antibiotic resistance. Since antibiotics are often consumed incorrectly and irrationally, this leads to great damage to public health, and in all countries of the world this is another growing pressing problem.

Drug safety is a serious and pressing issue throughout the world. In Kazakhstan, issues of public health, safety, as well as the quality and effectiveness of medicines are given special attention and are considered factors in ensuring national security. Issues with the circulation of medications are regulated by the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the health of the people and the healthcare system.”

When purchasing and distributing medicines for the Single Distributor, the quality and safety of pharmaceuticals are of paramount importance. A comprehensive and multi-stage system of state supervision over the circulation of medicines helps to provide the population of Kazakhstan with safe, effective and high-quality medicines.


In addition, Kazakhstan has introduced a system for monitoring, analyzing and assessing information on the safety of registered medicines. If patients detect an undesirable reaction or its ineffectiveness in treating the disease, they need to contact their doctor to fill out a yellow message card on the website of the Center of Expertise.

All received cards are subject to careful analysis. All factors that caused a serious adverse reaction are checked, drug samples are removed and laboratory tests are carried out.

The yellow card practice is intended primarily to ensure patient safety. It is these feedback tools that contribute to the development of a patient-centered healthcare system.

The single distributor prioritizes the quality and safety of medicines supplied to Kazakh medical institutions by increasing requirements for suppliers, including using feedback tools such as “yellow cards”.

The Congress of Therapists of Kazakhstan has become a unique platform for discussing current industry challenges and ways to solve them, through the exchange of experience and information among real industry experts. As a result, recommendations were developed that will be reflected in the Congress resolution.

It is worth noting that the second day of the Congress will be devoted to issues of hospital pharmacy. Master classes are planned for doctors, pharmacists and nurses. Along with this, a round table will be held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Health and scientific institutions of the republic, where specialists will discuss issues of organizing and implementing a hospital pharmacy system in medical institutions of Kazakhstan.

For reference: «Yellow Card» is a message about the side effects of a medicinal product, about identified cases of side effects during the medical use of the medicinal product and includes a list of questions that allow an approximate determination of the degree of cause-and-effect relationship between taking the medicinal product and its side effects. The Yellow Card method is a regional or national reporting system for suspected adverse drug reactions and is the primary pharmacovigilance method (WHO).

The Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a state body with direct subordination to the Head of State. The UDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides support for the activities of the President, the Presidential Administration, the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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18 октября 2024
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