

On December 8, at the premises of the Single Distributor SK-Pharmacy LLP, the final meeting of the Subcommittee on Transport Logistics of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK “Atameken” was held.


The meeting in a hybrid format was attended by the management of STC "KAZLOGISTICS", JSC "KTZ Express", JSC "KazPost", LLP "Globalink Transportation and Logistics Worldwide", Arthur Consulting, PF "Silk Way development fund", JSC "NC "KTZ" , Kaztemirtrans JSC, the Association of Kazakhstan Freight Rail Carriers, the Single Distributor and a number of other companies.


On the agenda, participants discussed current issues in the logistics industry on process automation, system improvement, development prospects, supply chain and cargo transportation management, and attracting investment.


The first report on the topic of creating a pharmaceutical logistics hub was made by the head of the Single Distributor, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transport Logistics and Member of the Presidium of STC “KAZLOGISTICS” Erkhat Iskaliev.


As part of the execution of the order of the Head of State on the development of a trade and transport hub in Kazakhstan with the industrialization of product groups, a warehouse and transport logistics system, the Single Distributor became part of this grandiose project.


The single distributor has proven its managerial effectiveness as the coordinator of a state project to improve the efficiency of procurement of medicines and medical products, as well as medical equipment, purchasing 42% of the total volume of medicines in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The single distributor is the anchor client of the pharmaceutical hub.


Today, the Single Distributor is carrying out comprehensive work in all priority areas, which will catalyze the process of creating a pharmaceutical hub in Kazakhstan.


Particular attention is focused on Kazakhstan’s partnership with global players BigPharma to localize production and attract investment. A striking result of close interaction with global players was the historical signing of long-term agreements with pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Roche to localize the production of original innovative drugs in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The pharmaceutical logistics hub will allow localizing not only the production of global players, but also their logistics, which will optimize internal logistics flows. The combination of production transfer and logistics will definitely be a breakthrough for the domestic industry and will give impetus to the development of the country.


In addition, given the emerging window of opportunity to realize the country’s trade potential as a regional trade hub, the Single Distributor, together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, studied a model for providing intercountry group purchasing services.


The initiative was formalized in the form of a Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding concluded between the Single Distributor and the Kyrgyzpharmacy State Enterprise under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.


It is planned to carry out the first pilot purchases for the two countries in 2024. In the future, it is planned to carry out group purchases on the basis of a Single Distributor with other Central Asian republics, which will expand the market and reduce the cost of purchased medicines due to the consolidation of volumes.


The logistics system of the Single Distributor itself is represented by four distribution centers in Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and Aktobe. The construction of warehouses is also planned in the cities of Semey and Aktau. The hubs accommodate a six-month and a year's supply of medicines for prompt movement to all 20 regions. The Single Distributor hubs will definitely have a key role in creating a pharmaceutical hub in the structure of a trade and logistics hub.


Thus, such measures bring Kazakhstan closer to achieving the goal of creating a pharmaceutical hub, which will definitely give a positive effect to Kazakhstan in all key indicators. Most importantly, this will facilitate the rapid and efficient distribution of drugs.


The following presentation was presented on the topic of creating a postal hub and developing E-commerce. Managing Director for E-Commerce of Kazpost JSC Sultan Mustafin shared a strategy for strengthening the logistics infrastructure, including network optimization and construction of trunk logistics hubs.


The company is actively developing fulfillment centers, working to open order pickup points for popular domestic and foreign marketplaces, and expanding its network of warehouses and parcel terminals.


As for E-commerce, e-commerce is gaining momentum of rapid development. Having opened fulfillment centers, created a convenient infrastructure: local points for receiving and issuing parcels, introducing partial redemption, creating a convenient personal account for managing orders, the company has seen rapid growth of e-com.


The country is currently considering the creation of a hub with a multimodal transportation system for the consolidation and distribution of goods with high added value. Thus, by optimizing costs and developing e-commerce, the company intends to become a key player in the local and international markets.


A separate topic for discussion was the introduction of changes to the regulations on bonded warehouses, since today there are a number of restrictions for the development of bonded warehouses in Kazakhstan. One of the main ones is implementation on the territory of the EAEU.


In this direction, it is necessary to work out issues regarding the regulatory framework; participants proposed making changes to the possibility of exporting goods from a customs warehouse using duty-free import standards, as well as without the use of prohibitions and restrictions.

Along with this, the meeting participants discussed a pilot project within the framework of creating pharmaceutical and postal hubs. The initiative and ways of its implementation will be considered by a working group that will be created under the Subcommittee on Transport Logistics of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK “Atameken”.


In addition, the agenda included a report on the work of the Working Group to develop a containerization program and discussed the development of digital logistics platforms together with a number of leading companies and local banks.


Arthur Consulting Managing Partner Alexander Ovanesov became a speaker on the topic of creating master plans for transport and logistics in Almaty, Astana and Shymkent. This will be facilitated by the involvement of all stakeholders and the establishment of an open dialogue. As a result, this will improve the logistics efficiency index.


At the end of the meeting, during a constructive conversation, the parties voiced various proposals for the draft Plan of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the NCE RK “Atameken” for 2024, including the creation of a list of investment projects to attract investments, the development of digital logistics, the protection of the interests of transport workers of Kazakhstan, a systematic discussion of current issues in regional, national and international forums on transport and logistics. The Global Air Day project was initiated.


The Subcommittee on Transport Logistics of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken", consisting of a pool of experts, is an active initiator of industry innovations in Kazakhstan. Assists in attracting investment and introducing innovations in the development of the country's transport infrastructure, as well as increasing the volume of international transport. The final result is dynamic economic development and an established logistics system that meets international standards.


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21 октября 2024
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18 октября 2024
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