

On October 27, 2022, in the city of Astana, within the framework of the 18th Kazakhstan International Healthcare Exhibition – Astana Zdorovie 2022, the MedTech II International Forum on Medical Equipment was held, where experts discussed the prospects for the development of domestic production of medical equipment.

The forum was attended by public representatives of global and domestic manufacturers of medical equipment, medical organizations and communities, international experts and practitioners on the production of medical equipment.

The Forum was organized by the Silk Way Development Fund Public Foundation in partnership with Quality Business Partners LLP, which are part of SILKWAY INNOVATION ( project) with the support of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and SK-Pharmacy LLP .

The forum was held in a hybrid format (combining offline and online elements). The forum was driven by Strategic - Business sessions, as well as a round table, after which the discussion moved to three thematic sessions. The agenda of the forum considered the prospects for the development of domestic production in Kazakhstan, taking into account changes in the needs for medical equipment.

The development of domestic production of medical equipment is one of the priority tasks set for the industry by the Head of State. In pursuance of the instructions of the Head of State, within the framework of the annual Address to the people of Kazakhstan, the share of medicines and medical products of domestic production must be increased from the existing 17 to 50% as early as 2025, as well as attracting investors, ensuring the transfer of technologies and the latest developments.

The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is taking systematic measures to solve this problem: the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry until 2025 has been approved, the HEALTHY NATION National Project for 2021-2025 has been developed.

One of the main directions of state policy in health care is the creation of favorable conditions for equipping medical institutions with modern diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic equipment. This complex task is called upon to fulfill the effective functioning of the medical equipment market. Studies have shown that in the conditions of the formation of new economic relations, this market is a steadily developing link in the economic complex of the country.

Measures for the further development of national health care will make it possible to fully equip all medical organizations with the necessary equipment, renew the bed fund by 50%, replace outdated infrastructure, and increase life expectancy to 75 years.

The strategic session was devoted to the Implementation of the state policy in the field of supplying medical equipment topic. The speakers focused on the trends in the medical equipment market, an overview of international experience in the centralized procurement of medical equipment. In addition, we considered the prospects for localization / contract manufacturing of medical equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the relocation of production. The issues of investment potential for vendors were not left without attention. There were also the introduction of medical equipment life cycle contracts into practice, the current state of domestic production of medical equipment, financial instruments for the procurement of medical equipment and the export potential of medical equipment localized in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Presentations at the session were made by the General Director of the Gormedtechnika of the Department of Health of Moscow State Autonomous Institution, Head of Roche Diagnostics in Central Asia and the Caucasus, Medtronic representative, Operations Director of Ordamed JSC, Regional Director for Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Belarus, Philips Mongolia, Director of Sapa Telemed LLP and Head of SK-Pharmacy LLP.

The business session discussed the State and prospects for the development of medical equipment production topic, where experts shared their opinion on registration of ME in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation in the field of healthcare and with the rules of the EAEU, pricing of ME, development of logistics supply chains of medical equipment following the example of successful world cases and the creation of warehouses for components of medical equipment in order to respond in a timely manner to breakdowns of ME.

The speakers of the session were the Deputy General Director for MD of the RSE on PVC NCEMP of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the General Director of GE for the region of Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Regional Director for Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Republic of Belarus, Mongolia of Philips, the Executive Director of the PharmMedIndustry of Kazakhstan Association, Chairman of the Board of the Medindustry of Kazakhstan Union of Domestic Manufacturers of Medical Devices of Medical Products, Association of Legal Entities, Development Director of Aktyubrentgen JSC, as well as Operations Director of Ordamed JSC. The moderator of the meeting is the head of SK-Pharmacy LLP.

Actual issues of tariff methodology in healthcare. International experience. It was on this topic that a round table was held within the framework of the forum. The speakers discussed over-diagnosis and its impact on the burden on the social insurance system, harmonization of SCHMI tariffs and modern financial instruments for the ptocurement of medical equipment. An assessment was made of the resource requirement for equipment as part of the provision of the guaranteed volume of medical care.

The topics of obsolescence of equipment and the accounting life of equipment were raised. In addition, the implementation of the concept of conscious consumption of medical services based on international experience was raised. The speakers also spoke about how the demographic challenges of our time affect the guaranteed volume of free medical care and the cost of medical services in general.

The director of the Department for the Coordination of Compulsory Social Health Insurance, an expert in the field of financing and health policy, an expert of the National Chamber of Health PPP OIPLE, the head of the department for the development of the formulary system and expert evaluation of medicines and medical devices of the National Scientific Center for Health Development named after S. Kairbekova RSE on the PVC, President of the Association of Health Analysts Association of Legal Entities, Head of Medicare LLP, Director of the Department of Medical Services of the Atameken NCE RK, as well as representatives of the Salauatty Astana private clinic and Association of Telemedicine and IT in Healthcare NGO.

Forum participants at thematic sessions raised problematic issues of the industry, such as the equipment of healthcare organizations and the level of depreciation of the existing fleet of medical equipment. Issues of organizing service maintenance of medical equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan and a shortage of biomedical engineers (both in healthcare organizations and in the market), as well as the lack of a reserve of spare parts for medical equipment in the service departments, which causes an increase in downtime during repairs.

The issues of localization and contract manufacturing of medical equipment on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the participation of domestic producers and leading foreign manufacturers in the program of retrofitting medical organizations were actively discussed. The forum participants discussed the current state of the Kazakh medical equipment market and considered approaches to localizing the production of medical equipment in the country.

The forum brought together professionals and acts as an effective platform for the exchange of experience and discussion of key issues in the development of the production of medical equipment. Representatives of government and business, including international ones, representatives of the regulator, foreign vendors, as well as Kazakhstani dealers and manufacturers of equipment and machinery shared their views.

At the same time, bilateral business meetings in the G2B format were held at the forum, which provided a unique opportunity to conduct effective individual negotiations.

The Kazakhstan industry for the production of medical equipment has a huge potential, which becomes possible to realize only with the active participation of everyone. The development of localization / contract manufacturing of medical equipment opens up broad prospects for both the healthcare system and business.

Source: Press service of SK-Pharmacy LLP"
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