The Unified Distributor makes every effort to promptly and timely provide the population with medicines and medical products.
To ensure feedback from the population and control over the receipt of medicines and medical products, the Unified Distributor Contact Center operates. Information on medicines is provided through a single point of telephone access to a short toll-free number - 1439 in "real time" and is as reliable as possible.
In total, over the first 9 months of 2024, the Contact Center for drug supply received 36,675 calls from the population, for which 42,939 client cards were created. Of the total number of registered patients, 33,724 applicants or 78.5% are urban residents and 9,215 or 21.5% are rural residents.
There were 42,544 requests for outpatient drug provision (ODP) during the reporting period (99% of all requests) and 395 requests for inpatient care, or 1% of all requests.
5,578 calls out of 36,675 received by the hotline are informational in nature regarding the activities of the Unified Distributor within the scope of their competence, which is not confidential. And 1,693 requests are about drugs that were not purchased, 77 are from users. In the third quarter, the number of complaints decreased by 52.5% compared to the first.
The UD Contact Center collects data on disruptions in the supply of drugs/medical products, analyzes the information received and identifies the root causes of the shortage. We consider each request individually, analyze the reasons for the shortage of drugs and medical devices and take a set of necessary measures to resolve the issue of provision. We are always ready to answer questions and do everything possible to improve the quality of service.