

On June 29, 2022, during a working visit to the Republic of South Korea, a round table on cooperation in the framework of the creation and development of medical and pharmaceutical clusters between Kazakhstan and South Korea was held.

The round table was organized by the SK-Pharmacy LLP Single Distributor on behalf of the First Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan R. Sklyar and the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Giniyat, with the assistance of the Korean Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) and the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Korea to develop projects and study the work of South Korean medical and pharmaceutical clusters and the production of medical equipment.

It should be recalled that in August 2021, the state visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Korea took place, which laid the foundation for further expansion of the strategic partnership between the two countries.

The Head of State noted the importance of cooperation with global pharmaceutical corporations, attracting investors, ensuring the transfer of technologies and the latest developments.

The Single Distributor takes an active position in the development of cooperation in the field of medical and pharmaceuticals between Kazakhstan and South Korea. Thus, as part of the activities carried out to support the development of domestic production of pharmaceutical and medical products, the Single Distributor takes the initiative to provide a platform for major brands to enter the country from packaging to the full production cycle.

The Kazakh delegation included representatives of the Public Health Department of the city of Nur-Sultan, the Pharmaceutical Cluster of South Kazakhstan, SK-Pharmacy LLP, Ordamed JSC, Dolce Group of Companies with the Dolce-Pharm brand. More than 65 companies participated in the round table from the South Korean side.

As part of the working visit, the Kazakh delegation plans to visit large Korean pharmaceutical clusters Osong, Songdo and the Wonju techno valley, as well as factories for the medical production, where the real production and technical capabilities of enterprises will be demonstrated.

In addition, there will be a meeting with the KHIDI head office and the management of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital.

Korea is one of Kazakhstan's strategic partners in East Asia. The Land of Morning Calm is already the second largest trading partner in Asia. In addition, Korea is included in the top 10 largest investors in our country. Over the past 15 years, Korea has invested more than $6 billion in the economy of Kazakhstan.

The pharmaceutical market in South Korea is one of the most dynamically developing markets in recent years. South Korea has taken the path of innovative development in the field of promising areas of science, localization of the production of biosimilars, attraction of public and private capital, and mobilized the best international specialists to the country.

The round table was opened by the Director of Foreign Projects Department of KHIDI Korea Seung-Uk Hong and introduced all the participants. Also, the KHIDI President Soonman Kwon, Head of the Global Health Division of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea Byon Luna, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Korea Bakyt Dyusenbaev announced a welcoming speech at the meeting.

Representatives of the Single Distributor presented to the participants of the round table the Single Distributor of the Republic of Kazakhstan current system of unified distribution of medicines, as well as the Centralization of the medical equipment procurement at the level of the Single Distributor concept of the procurement of medical equipment.

Aigul Nuralina, a representative in South Korea of  Kazakh Invest JSC NC, held two presentations on pharmaceuticals, as well as on medical technology, Vice President for Medicine - Dean of the Nazarbayev University School of Medicine Massimo Pignatelli spoke in detail about Medicine at Nazarbayev University, Yerkin Dlimbetov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ordamed JSC, made a presentation on the Ordamed - a trademark of the highest quality topic.

Elena Li, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dolce group of companies with the Dolce-Pharm brand, made a presentation on the Dolce-Developer Pharmaceutical Cluster topic, and Bekaidar Nurmashev, President of the Pharmaceutical Cluster of South Kazakhstan, spoke and demonstrated a presentation «On the prospects for cooperation with the Pharmaceutical Cluster of South Kazakhstan».

As a result of the round table, 5 memorandums were signed on the location of production sites in Kazakhstan - unique, latest, joint developments in the field of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment between: JW Pharmaceutical and Ordamed JSC, Samsung Medison and Ordamed JSC, GENORAY and Ordamed JSC, DOLCE LLP and MEDICAL PARTNERS KOREA LTD, Aktyubrentgen JSC and DRTECH.

All participants are convinced that this working trip will allow for a detailed analysis of existing opportunities in the field of localization of production, outline ways for their speedy implementation, including the intensification of integration cooperation between friendly countries - the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The parties noted that a direct dialogue is useful for both parties, will serve to expand the horizons of cooperation and give impetus to the development of investment partnerships in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals. The development of cooperation in the framework of the exchange of experience in the creation of medical and pharmaceutical clusters opens up broad prospects for both the healthcare system and business.


Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) - The Korea Health Industry Development Institute is a government agency under the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea. KHIDI Institute was founded in 1999 to provide professional and systematic support for the development of the Korean medical industry in order to increase its competitiveness in the global market. KHIDI is a professional institute dedicated to the global advancement of the Korean healthcare industry.

The goal of KHIDI is to promote institutions and companies providing high quality and modern medical services, contributing to their transformation into a driving force for the growth of the Korean economy. We are committed to creating a "Korean wave" on the global stage by combining the strengths of Korean medical services, pharmaceutical products, medical equipment, and beauty products.

Source: Press service of SK-Pharmacy LLP"
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