

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan и Novo Nordisk Kazakhstan LLP  reached an agreement and signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in promoting health and improving the treatment of socially significant diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Giniyat, Vice Ministers of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Esmagambetova and J. Burkitbayev, Chairman of the Committee of Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.Baiserkin, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Integration of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan G.Mukhanova, Director of the Department of Drug Policy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.Jusipov, Chairman of the Management Board of SK-Pharmacy LLP Ye. Iskaliyev, Head of the Strategy Department A.Syzdykova.

Novo Nordisk was represented by Ali Bengi, Vice President of the CIS Developing Countries Region, General Director of Novo Nordisk Kazakhstan LLP, and Timur Biabulin and Aizhan Abildayeva, employees of the company.

The development of the production of expensive innovative products, the promotion of the industry in the technology transfer direction, the localization of original medicines and the production of substances is of key importance for the Kazakhstani pharmaceutical industry today. In his message, the Head of State noted the importance of cooperation with global pharmaceutical corporations to attract investment, ensure technology transfer and the latest developments.

The Government of Kazakhstan has adopted and is already implementing the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry until 2025, the HEALTHY NATION National Project for 2021-2025 has been developed, where one of the areas is the development of pharmaceutical science and the creation of new industries with the participation of world players.

In turn, SK-Pharmacy LLP initiated the creation of a platform for the entry of large drug brands BIGPHARMA into the country from packaging to the full production cycle, which will become a powerful incentive for the development of domestic production and will help attract investment and advanced technologies in the medical industry necessary for successful modernization of the country's economy.

The signing of the Memorandum was preceded by a series of meetings and negotiations between SK-Pharmacy LLP and Novo Nordisk company on cooperation, as well as on realizing the potential of Kazakhstan in the pharmaceutical industry.

The agreement implies active cooperation in improving the treatment and prevention of socially significant non-communicable diseases, including diabetes mellitus, as well as further development of the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan.

The main directions of the Memorandum are:

•   Support and development of domestic production of medicines;

•   Improving human resources to improve the delivery of quality health care through the implementation of continuing medical education projects in the field of diabetes and obesity;

•   Building scientific and research potential;

•   Improving the quality of care for patients with diabetes and obesity by providing these groups with earlier access to innovative therapies.

As part of cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Novo Nordisk plans to support programs to improve the detection and control of diabetes and obesity, as well as provide assistance in improving the development of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan.

In addition, it is planned to support domestic production in the Republic of Kazakhstan by providing an active pharmaceutical ingredient for the production of human insulins using the capacities of local production sites.

Also, Novo Nordisk company is considering interaction in clinical trials in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the creation of the center for the treatment of obesity and programs to train Kazakhstani specialists in modern methods of treating diabetes according to accredited training programs.

The Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Giniyat in her speech noted the importance of a strategic partnership with Novo Nordisk, as the world's leading manufacturer of medicines for the treatment of patients with diabetes, and the signing of that Memorandum of Understanding will give an additional impetus to the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of healthcare.

According to a survey conducted, called "The Burden of Diabetes for the Republic of Kazakhstan", the number of patients suffering from this disease is 383 thousand and is growing steadily in Kazakhstan.

“The memorandum signed today will allow using the accumulated global expertise of Novo Nordisk to improve medical care in the republic. One of the most important tasks of the memorandum is to provide Kazakhstanis with access to innovative drugs. Novo Nordisk plans to explore the possibility of supplying the Kazakhstani market with an active pharmaceutical ingredient to further establish the production of human insulin preparations by Kazakhstani pharmaceutical enterprises. In addition, much attention in the memorandum is paid to improving the competencies of healthcare professionals. Such synergy will accelerate the introduction of new approaches in modern diagnostics and therapy of socially significant diseases into clinical practice in the Republic of Kazakhstan” said Yerkhat Iskaliyev, Chairman of the Board of SK-Pharmacy LLP.

About Novo Nordisk

It is an international pharmaceutical company founded in 1923. The company's headquarters is located in the suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark. The company has been a world leader in the development and production of drugs for the treatment of diabetes, obesity, hemophilia and others for almost 100 years. The company has been represented in the Republic of Kazakhstan since 1993.

С 1991 года и по сегодняшний день компания повышает доступность самых современных препаратов, а также проводит масштабные клинические исследования, разрабатывает и внедряет новые эффективные стратегии по профилактике заболеваний и пропаганде здорового образа жизни.

From 1991 to the present day, the company has been increasing the availability of the most advanced drugs, as well as conducting large-scale clinical trials, developing and implementing new effective strategies for disease prevention and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

It has 16 production sites in nine countries (Algeria, Brazil, China, Denmark, France, Japan, Russia, UK and USA) and 10 R&D centers in five countries (China, Denmark, India Research, UK and USA).

Source: Press service of SK-Pharmacy LLP"
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