

Erkhat Iskaliyev, Chairman of the Board of SK-Pharmacy LLP: «The strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry sets ambitious goals, including a breakthrough scientific, technological and socially oriented development of the pharmaceutical industry, the creation of a highly productive export-oriented sector in the pharmaceutical industry and, as a result, an increase in the volume of exports of medicines. The strategic objectives are to form and maintain a close relationship between science, education and the current pharmaceutical industry, which will give impetus to the development of fundamental science and strengthen the scientific heritage of Kazakhstan. I am confident that their decision will take our pharmaceutical industry to the next level.”


The pandemic of a new coronavirus infection has become a real challenge for the pharmaceutical market in Kazakhstan. Forced restrictions have forced many countries to reconsider the approval of medicines for medical use. For the pharmaceutical market, 2020 and 2021 have become a kind of strength test and largely determined the vector of development for subsequent years.

The coronavirus pandemic mobilized medicine manufacturers and the state, outlined the prospects for the development of the local pharmaceutical industry. Due to close attention to the domestic pharmaceutical industry, in Kazakhstan, the industry has come to be seen as an internal guarantor of national medicine safety.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan is one of the dynamically developing manufacturing industries, which not only has leading indicators in the Central Asian region, but can also quite successfully compete with Russian and Belarusian manufacturers within the framework of the EurAsEC Single Market.

According to the international analytical company IQVIA, the volume of the pharmaceutical market in Kazakhstan in 2020 increased by 20% in value terms (up to 615 billion tenge) and by 15% in physical terms (up to 0.69 billion packs). In dollar terms, the domestic market is estimated at 1.49 billion USD (+11% by 2019).

The volume of production of pharmaceutical products in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the end of 2020 increased by 47%, and for the first quarter of 2021 - by 9.1%. In value terms, it increased from 92.4 in 2019 to 138.3 billion tenge in 2020, and in the first 3 months of 2021 - up to 37.9 billion tenge (in January-March 2020 - 31.6 billion tenge).

Domestic factories producing personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves and other medical products, working smoothly in three shifts, providing a multiple increase in production, were able to close the sharply increased demand of medical organizations and the retail market in time, reducing the hype and panic of the population around the coronavirus. A significant proportion, namely 48% of the medicines included in the coronavirus treatment protocol are also domestic products. The domestic pharmaceutical industry is being tested for strength and is ready for upheavals of this kind, and the program to support the pharmaceutical industry through a Single distribution system can be called a success. The experience of developing domestic pharmaceutical production through the public procurement system is observed with interest in neighboring countries, trying on the successful example of Kazakhstan to their conditions.

The global pandemic of COVID-2019 and the unprecedented measures that are being taken in many countries of the world to prevent its spread make us take a closer look at our internal national medicine safety. In the current situation, the focus of attention was on domestic pharmaceutical plants producing medicines and medical products in Kazakhstan. And the task of ensuring the readiness of the domestic market with medicines in the event of such outbreaks or epidemics becomes the most important.


To ensure transparency of the public procurement market for medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, a unified distribution system was created in the person of SK-Pharmacy LLP, which helped bring public procurement closer to existing international standards for logistics, storage and distribution.

National Medicine Security was a priority when one of the strategic of activity of a Single distributor for the medicines and medical devices procurement was the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

Unprecedented support measures were created for domestic manufacturers to participate in public procurement of medicines and medical devices in the procurement of a Single distributor - SK-Pharmacy.

Firstly, these are absolute preferences within the framework of tender procedures. This means that if domestic producers submit applications for participation in the tender, only they are allowed to procure and other applications are not considered.

But an important support measure that allowed the domestic pharmaceutical industry to make a qualitative leap in development was the possibility of concluding long-term contracts with a Single distributor.

The winners of the tender conclude an agreement with a Single distributor for a period of 10 years, that is, upon signing such an agreement, the pharmaceutical manufacturer receives a guaranteed ten-year sales market. The continuity of the contract for the supply of medicines guarantees the sustainability of the national pharmaceutical industry and the continuity of investments.

Tender procedures are broadcast online. The tender commission is represented by an impressive list of interested departments and organizations of the widest profile, which, in addition to employees of the Ministry of Health and SK-Pharmacy, includes representatives of NCE Atameken, the National Center for Expertise of Medicines, and industry associations.

If, as a result of the tender competition, a Single distributor concludes a long-term contract with a manufacturer, then he has five years to implement the project. During this time, the company must rebuild production in accordance with GMP good practice standards, or modernize its production by updating equipment or introducing the latest technologies in order to produce high-quality modern medicines. If these conditions are met in five years, then over the next ten years, its products will be used to treat Kazakhstanis within the framework of state-guaranteed free medical care, as well as in the social health insurance system.

In the period from 2009 to 2021, the Single Distributor entered into 88 long-term contracts with 34 domestic manufacturers for the supply of 4,688 types of medicines and medical devices: 46 of them are for medical devices, and 42 for medicines.

38 contracts have already been implemented / partially implemented, production lines have been launched. And also, 628 types of medicines and medical devices began to be supplied to the country's medical institutions in 2021. A Single distributor procures 649 domestically produced medicines, which is 49% of the total number of items procured by the state for free provision of medicines to Kazakhstanis.  In monetary terms, this is more than 90.6 billion tenge - almost 35% of the total procurement amount. And these monetary values will grow steadily in connection with the launch of new lines under long-term contracts already concluded.

In order to ensure mass vaccination of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from 01.02.21, the vaccine against coronavirus infection "Sputnik V" produced by KFK LLP and Qaz-Covid-in produced by the RIBSP MES RK was procured. Thus, taking into account the procurement of the vaccine, the share of domestic production of goods (DPG) in the total volume of procurements is 44%.

In September 2021, the Single Distributor conducted an analysis of current projects and key production parameters of domestic manufacturers of medicines and medical devices with which long-term supply contracts were concluded.

According to the information provided by DPG, the actual production capacity of medical devices is 300 million units per year, and medicines - 900 million units per year as of September 2021.

By 2025, 23 DPGs that have long-term supply contracts with the Single Distributor and manufacture medical devices plan to increase the production of domestic medical devices to 2.9 billion units per year.

On average, the annual increase in production volumes for medical devices will be 55% in this case.

Also, 12 DPGs that have long-term supply contracts with a Single Distributor and manufacture medicines have plans to increase their production volumes to 2.1 billion units per year, which is an average of 15% of annual growth.

The predicted volumes of production of medicines and medical devices cannot be achieved without appropriate financial investments in the industry. 34 DPGs that have long-term contractual relationships with the Single Distributor plan to invest in the production of medicines in the amount of 127.04 billion tenge and in the production of medical devices in the amount of 34.5 billion tenge for the period from 2021 to 2025.


For example, Kazakh producers are already successfully entering the markets of Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Slovenia, Turkey and Uzbekistan. The growth of investments in the industry gave an impetus to the improvement of the export performance of pharmaceutical products. Thus, in January-March 2021, deliveries abroad amounted to about 18.7 million USD, which is 48% or 6.0 million USD more than in the same period of 2020 (12.7 million USD). Although in 2020, the export of the industry even decreased by 2019 from 64.5 to 62.1 million USD. The decline in supplies in 2020 is due to the reorientation of medicines suppliers to meet the needs of their own population during a pandemic.

It should be noted that in January-March 2021, there was a rapid increase in the volume of Kazakh pharmaceutical products exports to Uzbekistan. If in January-March 2020, the export of pharmaceutical products to Uzbekistan amounted to only 273.7 thousand USD, then in the first three months of 2021, the volume of supplies increased to 5.3 million USD, that is, by 19.4 times.

Among other export directions, there is a two-fold increase in supplies to Slovenia (from 0.76 to 1.5 million USD), a six-fold increase in Belarus (from 55.7 to 352.1 thousand USD), as well as a 2.4-fold increase in exports medicines from the Republic of Kazakhstan to Turkey (from 133.1 to 325.7 thousand USD). In general, the main sales market for Kazakhstan pharmaceutical products is Russia, where products worth USD 10.4 million (+8.5%) have already been delivered in the first quarter of this year.


Competition for investment between countries instantly intensified during the pandemic. The main competitors of Kazakhstan are developing countries with large reserves of natural resources. For example, Uzbekistan is becoming a promising regional participant.

At the same time, Kazakhstan has investment advantages, such as geostrategic position, transit and logistics potential, rich resource base, international trade and investment agreements, as well as access to major world markets.

On January 11, 2022, during a meeting of the Mazhilis, Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that Kazakhstan is interested in maintaining a favorable investment climate. The President also said that at this stage a new concept of investment policy is needed to increase the attractiveness of the country in the face of strengthening ESG requirements for the global energy and technological transition.

Thanks to the created business conditions, the pharmaceutical industry has become one of the most rapidly developing in Kazakhstan. A guaranteed long-term market for manufactured pharmaceutical products creates a favorable investment environment, which has made it possible to attract large international investments to the industry.

The government decided to reach a new level of import substitution, giving the manufacturing industry a new look. The import substitution strategy should ensure guaranteed demand for these products from the state and trust in Kazakh medicines.

Attracting foreign investors to the pharmaceutical industry is a vital necessity The influx of investments will be able to accelerate the development of pharmaceutical enterprises, improve the quality of human capital, create new jobs, attract advanced technologies and stimulate their distribution in the industry, as well as contribute to the implementation of import substitution policies.

As part of the activities carried out to support the development of domestic production of pharmaceutical products, the Single Distributor takes the initiative to provide a platform for major medicine brands to enter the country from packaging to the full production cycle.

In March 2021, cooperation initiatives were announced with the participation of diplomatic and consular missions accredited in Kazakhstan and Kazakh embassies represented abroad to attract foreign investors to the pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan.

A Single distributor together with Kazakh Invest prepared a guide for potential investors who are ready to localize their production in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan - INVESTMENT GUIDE BOOK. The document is intended to provide a platform for major medicine brands to enter the country, from packaging to the full production cycle, according to the one-stop principle.

     In May this year, a Single distributor held a webinar with the ALE "Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in the Republic of Kazakhstan" with the aim of fruitful interaction with the global pharmaceutical industry and finding effective ways to localize the production of innovative pharmaceutical products from recognized brands in Kazakhstan.

At the site of the Single Distributor, meetings were held with domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers on problematic issues of production, prospects for cooperation with BigPharma, exports, development of R&D centers, and changes were made to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 375, the criteria for concluding long-term contracts.

As a result of the discussions, it was possible to implement specific measures to support the domestic pharmaceutical industry:

  • The criteria for selecting suppliers for the conclusion of Long-Term Agreement (LTA) were revised
  • Examination of registration of domestic medicines and medical devices has been accelerated, which makes it possible to accelerate the launch of new products
  • Monitoring of execution of Long-term contracts is carried out
  • Designated KPIs for the growth of the share of procurements from DPG at least 50% until 2025
  • The safety and quality assessment (certification) of domestic medicines and medical devices has been accelerated.

Meetings were held on readiness for localization of production in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan with representatives of BigPharm, who laid a solid foundation for further cooperation with such giants as PFIZER, ATABAI, Johnson Johnson, ERG, Astra-Zeneca, ABBVIE, Novartis, ROCHE, Sandoz, Takeda Pharmaceutical.

As a result of the meetings, cooperation with Swiss pharmaceutical companies was worked out:

Roshe - SK-Pharmacy together with ROSHE initiated 7 projects. The Framework Agreement for the localization of the production of innovative medicines for the treatment of socially significant diseases was signed between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd: Herceptin, Perjeta, Kadsila, Esbriet on the basis of a domestic manufacturer. The first meeting of the interdepartmental working group on this issue was held on December 23, 2021.

Sandoz – agreements were reached regarding the localization of production in the Republic of Kazakhstan territory. The company's proposals for improving the procedures for contract manufacturing of biosimilars in Kazakhstan have been worked out.

Novartis - agreements have been reached regarding the localization of production in the Republic of Kazakhstan territory, the company is considering the possibility of participating in projects for the development of educational centers for medical workers, as well as the creation of R&D centers.

Cooperation with the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk - it was proposed to conduct phase 4 clinical trials in the Republic of Kazakhstan territory in the field of diabetes and obesity. Supply of a pharmaceutical substance to the Republic of Kazakhstan territory, so that domestic pharmaceutical plants can produce human insulins from it. On the inclusion of the innovative medicine Ozempic (semaglutide) in the guaranteed package of free medical care (GPFMC). It was noted that the medicine is planned to be supplied at the same price as the previous generation of GLP1, and even cheaper, which will provide budget savings and a better clinical effect.

Cooperation with South Korean companies:

SK-Pharmacy, together with KAZAKH INVEST, organized a “Kazakhstan-Korea Investment Round Table” with the participation of representatives of the Kazakh and Korean sides. Since September 2021, SK-Pharmacy has been working closely with KHIDI and is negotiating with the Korean company Celltrion regarding the possibility of producing targeted products with monoclonal antibodies on the Republic of Kazakhstan territory.

Cooperation with Italian companies:

The Single distributor took part in the Kazakh-Italian business forum on December 13, 2021, at which the prospects for cooperation and opportunities for interaction in the fields of pharmaceutical production were discussed, and the medicine supply system of Kazakhstan was presented.

Cooperation with Indian pharmaceutical companies:

Within the framework of international cooperation and on the eve of the working visit of the Head of State K. Tokayev to India and the upcoming Indian-Kazakh business forum, which is scheduled for 2022, a round table was held at the site of the Single Distributor together with the Republic of Kazakhstan Embassy in India with the participation of about 100 major pharmaceutical manufacturers in India and Kazakhstan. The Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India plans to hold a round table and B2B meetings with representatives of State structures, official Agencies and Committees for the procurement and distribution of pharmaceutical products in the Republic of Kazakhstan territory, as well as with business representatives.

Cooperation with Japanese pharmaceutical companies:

The Single distributor held a number of meetings with top managers of Takeda Pharmaceutical on the localization of innovative medicines and medical devices in the Republic of Kazakhstan territory.

SK-Pharmacy LLP, together with the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Japan, worked out the participation of the Kazakh side in a virtual exhibition organized by the Japan Association for Trade with Newly Independent States (ROTOBO), which will be held from January 17 to March 4, 2022. As part of the National Week of Kazakhstan and the virtual exhibition CAVEX 2022, a round table was held on expanding Kazakh-Japanese cooperation in the pharmaceutical industry on February 02.

Cooperation with the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca:

3 meetings were held with the top managers of the company where agreements were reached on the possibility of localizing about 5 innovative pharmaceutical molecules in the Republic of Kazakhstan territory.

Initiatives were developed to create and reboot pharmaceutical clusters, within the framework of which a meeting was held in April 2021 together with the scientific community, akimats, OTP, Kazindustry, Kazakhinvest, Baiterek, AIFC.

The ultimate goal of the efforts of the Single Distributor team is the modern re-equipment of the Kazakh pharmaceutical industry. For the industry today, the development of the production of expensive innovative products, the promotion of the industry in the direction of technology transfer, localization of original medicines and the production of substances is of key importance.


As for the foreign investors present in the pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, work is continuing on the expansion and modernization of existing production facilities, as well as the creation of new production sites.

As part of the first industrialization program, a lot of investment was attracted to the domestic industry. A new round in the development of the industry began on the pharmaceutical market of Kazakhstan along with the arrival of foreign investors. Such large international companies as Polpharma, Abdi Ibrahim, Pharmstandard, Nobel entered the Kazakh pharmaceutical plants with their investments, bringing their technologies and developments to the work of domestic production.

Thus, a well-known European company Polpharma acquired 51% of the shares of Chimfarm JSC. Investments of $100 million were attracted into production. The largest domestic pharmaceutical company currently has three certificates of compliance with GMP standards, which indicates a lot of work done to improve the quality of pharmaceutical production for its possible sale not only in the domestic, but also in foreign markets.

Nobel AFF LLP has become one of the leading domestic manufacturers of pharmaceutical products with the arrival of a Turkish investor in the Almaty Pharmaceutical Factory. Moreover, the company has confirmed compliance with GMP standards at two of its production sites. According to the company, more than 70 million US dollars have been invested in its creation and development since the existence of the enterprise.

A Russian investor, the Pharmstandard company, came to the Karaganda pharmaceutical complex with an investment of $15 million. In 2015, the plant completed the reconstruction and expanded production in accordance with GMP standards as part of the Industrialization Map. The plant is currently undergoing GMP certification.

Another largest pharmaceutical company in Turkey is Abdi Ibrahim Ilaç Tic. A.S acquired 60% of the shares from SP Global Pharm LLP, creating Abdi Ibrahim Global Pharm LLP. The cost of the project is $60 million.

In 2012, the head of the Kelun Corporation decided to invest in the construction of a pharmaceutical plant in Kazakhstan. It was put into operation in July 2014. Approximately 37.5 million euros were invested in the construction of the plant.

At the same time, domestic producers contribute in the form of taxes and other obligatory payments to the state budget.

From 2010 to 2016, deductions from Chimpharm JSC amounted to 4,726,346,916 tenge. After that, there is an increase: in 2017 - 1,913,442,551 tenge, in 2018 - 1,622,618,644 tenge, in 2019 - 2,136,285,390 tenge, in 2020 - 3,189,350,996 tenge. Total - 8,861,697,581 tenge. 2,062,713,327 tenge have been transferred to the treasury since the beginning of 2021.

From 2010 to 2015, Nobel AFF LLP transferred 2,145,282,668 tenge. Since 2016, there has been an increase: in 2016 - 1,196,907,168 tenge, in 2017 - 1,732,281,592 tenge, in 2018 - 2,924,052,112 tenge, in 2019 - 3,645,842,735 tenge, in 2020 - 3,441,838,436 tenge. In total, over the past five years, more than 12.9 billion tenge has been transferred to the state treasury. From the beginning of 2021 - 2,338,936,993 tenge.

In the state budget in the form of taxes and other obligatory payments, over the past 10 years Karaganda Pharmaceutical Complex LLP has transferred almost 1.5 billion tenge to the treasury. In 2012, when private investments began to flow, KFK LLP paid 13.5 million tenge of taxes, and by the end of 2017 - 137.3 million tenge. Then the amount of taxes increased significantly: in 2018 - 268.6 million tenge, in 2019 - 344.3 million tenge. In 2020, the amount of taxes decreased slightly - 285.1 million tenge. And for the eight months of 2021, the final figure almost quadrupled: LLP transferred 1,069,063,338 tenge to the state treasury in the form of taxes.

From 2010 to 2015, Abdi Ibrahim Global Pharm LLP transferred 782,015,608 tenge to the treasury. In 2015, the construction of a pharmaceutical plant that complies with GMP standards was completed, which significantly affected the picture with tax deductions (by 2.2 times, more than 1.75 billion tenge): in 2016 - 207,131,072 tenge, in 2017 - 248,040,147 tenge, in 2018 - 338,245,912 tenge, in 2019 - 473,635,624 tenge, in 2020 - 487,728,129 tenge. Since the beginning of the current year - 278,274,598 tenge.

Kelun-Kazpharm LLP transferred a little more than 13 million tenge to the budget from 2012 to 2014. From 2015 to 2020, that is, over the past six years, the company transferred more than 1.5 billion tenge to the state treasury. And since the beginning of 2021, deductions have grown significantly - more than 1.14 billion tenge in eight months.

Production sites certified according to international GMP standards began to appear in Kazakhstan with the arrival of foreign partners. At the moment, 9 domestic pharmaceutical companies have received GMP certificates. It should be noted that most of them are enterprises with foreign participation. The presence of GMP certificates for certain industries should help increase the output of manufactured products and contribute to a freer promotion of domestic medicines to foreign markets.

Obtaining GMP conformity certificates, modernization of production facilities and commissioning of new facilities made it possible to increase the production of pharmaceutical products in quantitative and qualitative terms. So, since 2010, the volume of DPG in the KZ market has grown by 2.5 times from 15% to 35% by the end of 2021, and taking into account the procurement of a vaccine against coronavirus infection, the share of DPG in the total procurement volume is 44%. The share of DPG in the KZ market in real terms was 39% (WHO - at least 20%).

Several factors influenced the growth in the volume of pharmaceutical products, including the conclusion of long-term contracts with domestic manufacturers for the supply of pharmaceutical products, the launch of new production facilities and the modernization of existing facilities, the receipt of certificates of compliance with international GMP standards for domestic production.


As in any field, problems and difficulties can arise in the process of work, which can hinder the rapid growth of the industry. One of the main tasks is to make medicine supply affordable and meet modern medical requirements.

The key problems of the import dependence of the domestic pharmaceutical market are the weak integration of science, production and education, the low degree of commercialization and practice orientation of domestic scientific developments, the shortage of highly specialized highly specialized specialists, and so on.

Innovations cannot occur without some scientific basis. That is why it is necessary to actively develop the research and development department (R&D) - a division that develops and releases its own dosage forms.  The lack of pilot production by the type of pre-existing factory laboratories, where laboratory regulations must be pilot-industrial approbated on the methods of obtaining new medicines, is one of the deterrents for the introduction of the developments of Kazakhstani scientists. The development of the production of medicines based on plant raw materials is a unique source of revival of the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

In this regard, in pursuance of the instructions of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to increase the share of domestic medicines in the local market to 50% by 2025, the Government is taking systematic measures to develop the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan.

As a resource plan, systemic approaches were proposed by transforming the existing Comprehensive Plan and the State Health Development Program into the National Project "ZDOROVAYA NATSIYA» (HEALTHY NATION) for 2021-2025, where the 3rd direction will be "Domestic pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan".

The main objectives of this area will be to build up scientific and human resources, develop domestic production of pharmaceuticals and increase the export potential of domestic pharmaceutical and medical products.

The development of the domestic medicinal production sector is also important for the state because enterprises not only earn money and pay taxes: they create jobs, train employees and pay them salaries, and also develop the secondary market for goods and services.

At the same time, the main goal for domestic pharmaceutical companies is not only making a profit and, consequently, making a contribution in the form of taxes to the budget, but also ensuring independence and protecting national interests. The health and life of citizens should not depend on imports and constantly changing economic and political situations.

A Single distributor, on behalf of the Head of State, also initiated measures to equip healthcare organizations with medical equipment with an emphasis on obstetric and resuscitation services. It is planned to work out the issues of localization / contract manufacturing of medical equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the short-term using the mechanisms of long-term contracts, off-take contracts, leasing mechanisms, and life cycle contracts.

Meetings were held with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tugzhanov E.L. and Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tsoi A.V. with major representatives of medical equipment manufacturers Philips, Canon, Roche Diagnostics, GE Healthcare, Aktyubretngen JSC.

As a result of the meetings held by the company, manufacturers of medical equipment expressed their interest. The issues of improving the service of medical equipment, training specialists in Kazakhstan, as well as introducing into the practice of purchasing life cycle contracts, localization of production, long-term leasing, rent, PPP, localization preferences, the need for medical equipment for the coming years were actively discussed.

A significant effect will be achieved by actively increasing the use of Kazakhstani manufactured products, coupled with stimulating the development of scientific potential, attracting domestic research institutes, scientific laboratories of large medical universities like R&D centers, as well as deregulating industry mechanisms. An important step in the implementation of the project will be the formation and maintenance of a close relationship between science, education and the current pharmaceutical industry, which will give impetus to the development of fundamental science and strengthen the scientific heritage of Kazakhstan.

The development of our own strong pharmaceutical industry is quite a lengthy, labor-intensive and expensive process. Creating conditions for import substitution of pharmaceutical and medical products based on modern technologies in accordance with international GMP standards is one of the main tasks for the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan.


Автор статьи:

Iskaliyev Erkhat Serikovich


Chairman of the Board of SK-Pharmacy LLP

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transport Logistics and Transportation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs (NCE) "Atameken"

Member of the Presidium of the Union of transport workers of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTIC"

Leadership experience: 


JSC “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan


JSC "Development Bank of Kazakhstan"


Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Akimat (Governor’s office) of Atyrau region

Source: Press service of SK-Pharmacy LLP"
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